Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Calling all critique partners!

I'm in need of a few critique partners for my latest WIP.  If anyone is interested in reading a romance, please let me know.  I'm looking for possibly 3 people to exchange work with.  I've been out of the writing loop for awhile, so I need some people to keep me motivated and my brain active (and to be understanding since I have three kids under 3 right now).

Let's get it on, people!


Mandy said...

I am in the process of reading your stuff right now. I can't really critique your writing techniques, but I'll do what I can on my end regarding the storyline. :)

Jennifer Shirk said...

Hey, Stephanie. I'm kinda of stretched for one on one reading because I belong to two crit groups.

One of my groups is closed and another I could ask the member to add you if you'd like to join. It's a yahoo group. There's about 8 women. Not everybody crits everything, only what you can. I bet you could get a handful of crits there (including me)
Let me know if you're interested. :)